Helping you grow international business.
We are international executive business experts offering real-world results and proven networks in sport, outdoor, adventure and fitness industries.
Trusted since 2004 by 100+ global brands, ingredient brands, investors and start-ups. We serve as a strategic competence partner for industry associations in Scandinavia, Europe, Korea, China and USA.
Our mission is to help you grow sustainable international business.
We know what international markets expect. We help companies step by step to get there. Strategy, Sourcing, Branding, Channels, Xborder DTC, Pricing, Recruiting, Retail/ Distributor introductions, Terms and Agreements.
We've "been there and done that" enough times to know that EVERY brand is a special case.
We are often told we must be the mast connected experts in our industry sectors worldwide. Execs open for new challenges, retailers, distributors, agents or suppliers and/er manufacturers looking for new brands, cross-border SaaS providers.
Our global partner team is more than just a network, it boils down to trusted personal relationships. We share relations, values and passion for the industry sectors we serve.
Making the right decisions starts with having the right information. Together with our global team and our colleagues at co-owned EDM Publications (Sporting Goods lntelligence Europe, Outdoor lndustry Compass etc.) we have research market data and industry news around the world. We provide Market Research, lnsights Reports, MPAs, Expert Panels, Webinars, Round Tables and Think Tanks.
We are networkers by nature and industry experts in the do's and don'ts of international business with decades of experience in the industry, building global networks. Our passion for people and products in the sport, fitness & outdoor industry has given us international knowledge, relations, and insights. We use it to help meaningful brands grow their international business.

“We had great help from Martin on choosing the right organizational set up, what countries to focus on, and choosing the right customers. Martin has ever since also been a person we always could have quick sparrings with on subjects to have to succeed on export.”
Jörgen Jörgensen, CEO, NORRØNA Sport

“We quickly brought Martin Kössler onboard. Not as an ‘outsider consultant’ but as a TEAM member. Martin has always breathed enthusiasm over the possibilities with an excellent inside-out, outside-in perspective which he balances perfectly in execution with passion for the product and expert knowledge from the industry.”
Paiam Ataei, Head of Sports, Disruptive Materials

“Huginbiz was a great contribution in the early stage, pointing out do’s and dont’s, as well as generously introducing us to their global network. No one knows the sports trade as well as Huginbiz.”
Stefan Ytterborn, CEO & Founder, POC